Tanti Technology

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Bangalore, karnataka, India
Multi-platform UNIX systems consultant and administrator in mutualized and virtualized environments I have 4.5+ years experience in AIX system Administration field. This site will be helpful for system administrator in their day to day activities.Your comments on posts are welcome.This blog is all about IBM AIX Unix flavour. This blog will be used by System admins who will be using AIX in their work life. It can also be used for those newbies who want to get certifications in AIX Administration. This blog will be updated frequently to help the system admins and other new learners. DISCLAIMER: Please note that blog owner takes no responsibility of any kind for any type of data loss or damage by trying any of the command/method mentioned in this blog. You may use the commands/method/scripts on your own responsibility. If you find something useful, a comment would be appreciated to let other viewers also know that the solution/method work(ed) for you.

Tuesday 25 February 2014


- show where the source of a command is: e.g.
$ type sendmail
sendmail is /usr/sbin/sendmail

This command is merely an alias for 'whence -v'
- show where the source of a command is: shell builtin command. See type
Use option: -v for verbose mode
- show where the source of a command is held. Almost the same as type and whence
- change file permissions. e.g.
$ chmod 666 handycommands
changes the permissions (seen by ls -l) of the file handycommands to -rw-rw-rw-
r = 4, w = 2, x = 1. In the above example if we wanted read and write permission for a particular file then we would use r + w = 6. If we then wanted to have the file have read-write permissions for User, Group and All, then we would have permissions of 666. Therefore the command to change is that above.
$ chmod 711 a.out
Changes permissions to: -rwx--x--x
Additional explanation of file permissions and user/group/all meaning are given in the description of ls -l
You may specify chmod differently - by expressing it in terms of + and - variables. For example
$ chmod u+s /usr/bin/su
will modify the "sticky bit" on su, which allows it to gain the same access on the file as the owner of it. What it means is "add s permission to user". So a file that started off with permissions of "-rwxr-xr-x" will change to "rwsr-xr-x" when the above command is executed. You may use "u" for owner permissions, "g" for group permissions and "a" for all.
- Change ownership of a file. Must be done as root. e.g.
chown informix *.dat # change all files ending .dat to be owned by informix
- Change group ownership of a file. Must be done as root. e.g.
chgrp sys /.netrc # change file /.netrc to be owned by the group sys
- move a directory - can only be done within a volume group. To move a directory between volume groups you need to use mv -r
or find -print | cpio -pdumv rm -r
- copy a directory. See mvdir
- this is crap - use rm -r instead
- Creates a directory. e.g.
$ mkdir /tmp/jon/ # create directory called /tmp/jon/ 
find  -name "searchkey" -print
- search for files - e.g.
$ find . -name "system.log" -print # will find all files (with full path names) called system.log - Wildcards are allowed, e.g.
$ find /tmp -name "sl.*" -atime +0 -print # will print out all files in /tmp/ that start sl. and which haven't been accessed for a day. Helpful for finding lost files, or finding stuff in enormous directories. Other useful options include:
  • -atime + - finds files that haven't been accessed for 1+days also, ctime (creation time) and mtime (modify time)
  • -prune - stay in current directory - don't look in dirs off the directory specified in path names - e.g.
    $ find /tmp -user "compgnc" -prune -print # will find all files in /tmp which user compgnc owns and will not search lower directories (e.g. /tmp/usr)
  • -size + - finds files that are bigger than
  • -exec rm {} \; - remove all files found...dangerous command - e.g.
    $ find /tmp -name "sl.*" -atime +0 -prune -print -exec rm {} \; # will remove all files in /tmp starting 'sl.' that haven't been accessed for a day. Spacing of this command is important! Most exec commands are possible:
    $ find /usr2/calltest -name "*.4gl" -print -exec grep "CHECK" {} \; | pg
  • -ok - like exec only it prompts for confirmation after each occurence. e.g.
    $ find /tmp/disk7 -name "*" -print -ok doswrite -a {} {} \; # Please note that you MUST end any exec or ok option with an escaped semicolon (\;).
  • -user - finds all files owned by
  • -group - finds all files with a group of
ln -s
- create a symbolic link to a different directory from current directory: e.g.
$ ln -s /usr/uniplex/compgnc /u/compgnc/uni # would create a link called 'uni' in the directory /u/compgnc. From then on, typing cd uni would cd to /usr/uniplex/compgnc. You can also give two files the same name. e.g.
$ ln make.e_enquiry makefile # would link the two files so that they are identical, and when you change one, you change the other. You may also create a symbolic link to a host(!). Instead of typing 'rlogin hpserver' every time, by typing
$ ln -s /usr/bin/rsh hpserver # will create a link so that whenever you type 'hpserver' it will execute a remote shell on the machine.
Option -f forces the link to occur
head -
- prints out the first few line of a file to screen. Specify number to indicate how many lines (default is 10). e.g. If you sent something to a labels printer and it wasn't lined up, then you could print the first few labels again using:
$ head -45 label1.out | lp -dlocal1
tail -
- prints out the end of a file. Very similar to head but with a very useful option '-f' which allows you to follow the end of a file as it is being created.e.g.
$ tail -f vlink.log # follow end of vlink.log file as it is created.
wc -
- Word Count (wc) program. Counts the number of chars, words, and lines in a file or in a pipe. Options:
  • -l (lines)
  • -c (chars)
  • -w (words)
To find out how many files there are in a directory do ls | wc -l
split -
- Splits a file into several files.e.g.
$ split -5000 CALLS1 # will split file CALLS1 into smaller files of 5000 lines each called xaa, xab, xac, etc.
- translates characters. e.g.
cat handycommands | tr "\t" " " # will take the file handycommands and translate all tabs into spaces. Useful when messing about with awk or you need to convert some input (e.g. that from tty) to a unique filename that does not contain special characters. e.g.
tty | tr "/" "." # produces for example .dev.pts.7
- od converts nasty (binary save) files into character representations. Useful when back-compiling, examining raw .dat files,etc. Use with option '-c' for character display (recommended).
- starts recording everything in the shell to a file by default 'typescript'. Press ^D to finish the script. Provides a log of everything used. Has almost the same effect as ksh | tee typescript
Used for debugging shells, seeing error messages which flash off the screen too quickly, etc.
- cut's the file or pipe into various fields. e.g.
$ cut -d "|" -f1,2,3 active.unl # will take the file active.unl which is delimited by pipe symbols and print the first 3 fields options:
  • -d
  • -f
Not too useful as you can't specify the delimiter as merely white space (defaults to tab) Alternatively, you can 'cut' up files by character positioning (useful with a fixed width file). e.g.
$ cut -c8-28 "barcode.txt" # would cut columns 8 to 28 out of the barcode.txt file.
- paste will join two files together horizontally rather than just tacking one on to the end of the other. e.g. If you had one file with two lines:
Employee Number:
and another file with the lines:
Fred Bloggs
then by doing:
$ paste file1 file2 > file3 # this would then produce (in file3).
Name: Fred Bloggs
Employee Number: E666
Note that paste puts horizontal tabs between the files, so you may need a sed 's/   //g' command to get rid of these.
- sorts the information from the file and displays the result on standard output (stdout). e.g.
$ sort /tmp/list_of_names # will sort the file into alphabetical order, and display it to the screen. Useful with option '-u' to filter out duplicates.
- filters out all duplicate lines from a file or input stream (file or stream must be sorted!). Useful with option -c which merely produces a count of unique lines.
- ex is an old line editor, and almost never used now (similar to DOS edlin if you remember that - me, I've repressed it). You are most likely to come across ex within the vi editor - all commands beginning with a colon (:) are ex commands

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