• Storage pools work much like AIX VGs (Volume Groups) in that they reside on one or more PVs (Physical Volumes). One key difference is the concept of a default storage pool. The default storage pool is the target of storage pool commands where the storage pool is not explicitly specified.
• The default storage pool is rootvg. If storage pools are used in a configuration then the default storage pool should be changed to something other than rootvg.
List the default storage pool
lssp -default
List all storage pools
List all disks in the rootvg storage pool
lssp -detail -sp rootvg
Create a storage pool called client_boot on hdisk22
mksp client_boot hdisk22
Make the client_boot storage pool the default storage pool
chsp -default client_boot
Add hdisk23 to the client_boot storage pool
chsp -add -sp client_boot hdisk23
List all the physical disks in the client_boot storage pool
lssp -detail -sp client_boot
List all the physical disks in the default storage pool
lssp -detail
List all the backing devices (LVs) in the default storage pool
lssp -bd
››› Note: This command does NOT show virtual media repositories. Use the lssp command (with no options) to list free space in all storage pools.
Create a client disk on adapter vhost1 from client_boot storage pool
mkbdsp -sp client_boot 20G \
-bd lv_c1_boot \
-vadapter vhost1
Remove the mapping for the device just created, but save the backing device
rmbdsp -vtd vtscsi0 -savebd
Assign the lv_c1_boot backing device to another vhost adapter
mkbdsp -bd lv_c1_boot -vadapter vhost2
Completely remove the virtual target device ld_c1_boot
rmbdsp -vtd ld_c1_boot
Remove last disk from the sp to delete the sp
chsp -rm -sp client_boot hdisk22
Create a client disk on adapter vhost2 from rootvg storage pool
mkbdsp -sp rootvg 1g \
-bd murugan_hd1 \
-vadapter vhost2 \
-tn lv_murugan_1
››› The LV name and the backing device (mapping) name is specified in this command. This is different than the previous mkbdsp example. The -tn option does not seem to be compatible with all versions of the command and might be ignored in earlier versions of the command. (This command was run on VIOS 2.1) Also note the use of a consistent naming convention for LV and mapping - this makes understanding LV usage a bit easier. Finally note that rootvg was used in this example because of limitations of available disk in the rather small example system it was run on - Putting client disk on rootvg does not represent an ideal configuration
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