This document is intended to supplement existing documentation on how to configure, test, and
monitor a disk heartbeat device and network in HACMP/ES V 5.x. This feature is new in V5.1, and it
provides another alternative for non-ip based heartbeats. The intent of this document is to provide stepby-
step directions as they are currently sketchy in the HACMP v5.1 pubs. This will hopefully clarify
several misconceptions that have been brought to my attention.
This example consists of a two-node cluster (nodes GT40 & SL55) with shared ESS vpath devices. If
more than two nodes exist in your cluster, you will need N number or non-ip heartbeat networks.
Where N represents the number of nodes in the cluster. (i.e. three node cluster requires 3 non-ip
heartbeat networks). This creates a heartbeat ring.
It’s worth noting that one should not confuse concurrent volume groups with concurrent resource
groups. And note, there is a difference between concurrent volume groups and enhanced concurrent
volume groups. A concurrent resource group is one which may be active on more than one node at a
type. A concurrent volume group also shares the characteristic that it may be active on more than one
node at a time. This is also true for an enhanced concurrent VG; however, in a non-concurrent resource
group, the enhanced concurrent VG, while it may be active and not have a SCSI reserve residing on the
disk, it’s data is only normally accessed by one system at a time.
In this document, it is assumed that the shared storage devices are already made available and
configured to AIX, and that the proper levels of RSCT and HACMP are already installed. Since utilizing
enhanced-concurrent volume groups, it is also necessary to make sure that bos.clvm.enh is installed.
This is not normally installed as part of a HACMP installation via the installp command.
Disk Heartbeat Details
This provides the ability to use existing shared disks, regardless of disk type, to provide a serial network
like heartbeat path. A benefit of this is that one need not dedicate the integrated serial ports for HACMP
heartbeats (if supported on the subject systems) or purchase an 8-port asynchronous adapter.
This feature utilizes a special area on the disk previously reserved for “Concurrent Capable” volume
groups (traditionally only for SSA disks). Since AIX 5.2 dropped support for the SSA concurrent volume
groups, this fit makes it available for use. This also means that the disk chosen for serial heartbeat can
be part of a data volume group. (Note Performance Concerns below)
The disk heart beating code went into the version of RSCT. Some recommended APARs bring
that to If you've got that level installed, and HACMP 5.1, you can use disk heart beating. The
relevant file to look for is /usr/sbin/rsct/bin/hats_diskhb_nim. Though it is supported mainly through
RSCT, we recommend AIX 5.2 when utilizing disk heartbeat.
To use disk heartbeats, no node can issue a SCSI reserve for the disk. This is because both nodes using it
for heart beating must be able to read and write to that disk. It is sufficient that the disk be in an
enhanced concurrent volume group to meet this requirement. (It should also be possible to use a disk
that is in no volume group for disk heart beating. RSCT certainly won't care; but HACMP SMIT panels
may not be particularly helpful in setting this up.)
Now, in HACMP 5.1 with AIX 5.1, enhanced concurrent mode volume groups can be used only in
concurrent (or "online on all available nodes") resource groups. This means that disk heart beating is
useful only to people running concurrent configurations, or who can allocate such a volume group/disk
(which is certainly possible, though perhaps an expensive approach). In other words, at HACMP 5.1 and
AIX 5.1, typical HACMP clusters (with a server and idle standby) will require an additional concurrent
resource group with a disk in an enhanced concurrent VG dedicated for heartbeat use. At AIX 5.2, disk
heartbeats can exist on an enhanced concurrent VG that resides in a non-concurrent resource group. At
AIX 5.2, one may also use the fast disk takeover feature in non-concurrent resource groups with
enhanced concurrent volume groups. With HACMP 5.1 and AIX 5.2, enhanced concurrent mode volume
groups can be used in serial access configurations for fast disk takeover, along with disk heart beating.
(AIX 5.2 requires RSCT or later) That is, the facility becomes usable to the average customer,
without committment of additional resource, since disk heart beating can occur on a volume group used
for ordinary filesystem and logical volume activity.
Performance Concerns with Disk Heart Beating
Most modern disks take somewhere around 15 milliseconds to service an IO request, which means that
they can't do much more than 60 seeks per second. The sectors used for disk heart beating are part of
the VGDA, which is at the outer edge of the disk, and may not be near the application data. This means
that every time a disk heart beat is done, a seek will have to be done. Disk heart beating will typically
(with the default parameters) require four (4) seeks per second. That is each of two nodes will write to
the disk and read from the disk once/second, for a total of 4 IOPS. So, if possible, a disk should be
selected as a heart beat path that does not normally do more than about 50 seeks per second. The
filemon tool can be used to monitor the seek activity on a disk.
In cases where a disk must be used for heart beating that already has a high seek rate, it may be
necessary to change the heart beat timing parameters to prevent long write delays from being seen as a
The above cautions as stated apply to JBOD configurations, and should be modified based on the
technology of the disk subsystem:
• If the disk used for heart beating is in a controller that provides large amounts of cache - such as the
ESS - the number of seeks per second can be much larger
• If the disk used for heart beating is part of a RAID set without a caching front end controller, the disk
may be able to support fewer seeks, due to the extra activity required by RAID operations
Pros & Cons of using Disk Heart Beating
1. No additional hardware needed.
2. Easier to span greater distances.
3. No loss in usable storage space and can use existing data volume groups.
4. Uses enhanced concurrent vgs which also allows for fast-disk takeover.
1. Must be aware of the devices diskhb uses and administer devices properly*
2. Lose the forced down option of stopping cluster services because of enhanced concurrent vg usage.
*I have had a customer delete all their disk definitions and run cfgmgr again to clean up number holes in
their device definition list. When they did, obviously , the device names did not come back in the same
order as they were before. So the diskhb device assigned to HACMP, was no longer valid as a different
device was configured using the old device name and it was not part of an enhanced concurrent vg.
Hence diskhb no longer worked, and since the customer did not monitor their cluster either, they were
unaware that the diskhb no longer worked.
Configuring Disk Heartbeat
As mentioned previously, disk heartbeat utilizes enhanced-concurrent volume groups. If starting with a
new configuration of disks, you will want to create enhanced-concurrent volume groups, either
manually, or by utilizing C-SPOC. My example shows using C-SPOC which is the best practice to use here.
If you plan to use an existing volume group for disk heartbeats that is not enhanced concurrent, then
you will have to convert them to such using the chvg command. We recommend that the VG be active
on only one node, and that the application not be running when making this change run chvg –C vgname
to change the VG to enhanced concurrent mode. Vary it off, then run importvg –L vgname on the other
node to make it aware that the vg is now enhanced concurrent capable. If using this method, you can
skip to the “Creating Disk Heartbeat Devices and Network” section of this document.
Disk and VG Preparation
To be able to use C-SPOC successfully, it is required that some basic IP based topology already exists,
and that the storage devices have their PVIDs in both system’s ODMs. This can be verified by running
lspv on each system. If a PVID does not exist on each system, it is necessary to run chdev -l -a pv=yes on
each system. This will allow C-SPOC to match up the device(s) as known shared storage devices.
In this example, vpath0 on GT40 is the same virtual disk as vpath3 on SL55.
Use C-SPOC to create an Enhanced Concurrent volume group. In the following example, since vpath
devices are being used, the following smit screen paths were used.
Go to HACMP Concurrent Logical Volume smitty cl_admin Create a Concurrent Volume Group with
Data Concurrent Volume Groups Management Path Devices and press Enter
Choose the appropriate nodes, and then choose the appropriate shared storage devices based on pvids
(vpath0 and vpath3 in this example). Choose a name for the VG , desired PP size, make sure that
Enhanced Concurrent Mode is set to true and press Enter. (enhconcvg in this example). This will create
the shared enhanced-concurrent vg needed for our disk heartbeat. .
It’s a good idea to verify via lspv once this has completed to make sure the device and vg is show
appropriately as follows:
GT40#/ lspv
vpath0 000a7f5af78e0cf4 enhconcvg
vpath3 000a7f5af78e0cf4 enhconcvg
Creating Disk Heartbeat Devices and Network
There are two different ways to do this. Since we have already created the enhanced concurrent vg, we
can use the discovery method (1) and let HA find it for us. Or we can do this manually via the Predefined
devices method (2). Following is an example of each.
1) Creating via Discover Method: (See Note)
Extended Enter smitty hacmp Press Discover HACMP-related Information from Configured
Nodes Configuration Enter
This will run automatically and create a clip_config file that contains the information it has discovered.
Once completed, go back to the Extended Configuration menu and chose:
Extended Topology Add Communication Configure HACMP Communication
Interfaces/Devices Configuration Add Discovered Communication Interface and Interfaces/Devices
Choose appropriate devices (ex. vpath0 and Communication Devices Devices vpath3)
Select Point-to-Point Pair of Discovered Communication Devices to Add
Move cursor to desired item and press F7. Use arrow keys to scroll.
ONE OR MORE items can be selected.
Press Enter AFTER making all selections.
# Node Device Device Path Pvid
> nodeGT40 vpath0 /dev/vpath0 000a7f5af78
> nodeSL55 vpath3 /dev/vpath3 000a7f5af78
Note: Base HA 5.1 appears to have a problem when using the Discovered Devices this method. If you get
this error: "ERROR: Invalid node name 000a7f5af78e0cf4".
Then you will need apar IY51594. Otherwise you will have to create via the Pre-Defined Devices method.
Once corrected, this section will be completed
2) Creating via Pre-Defined Devices Method
When using this method, it is necessary to create a diskhb network first, then assign the disk-node pair
devices to the network. Create the diskhb network as follows:
Extended Topology Extended Configuration smitty hacmp Add a Network to the HACMP cluster
Configure HACMP Networks Configuration Enter desired network name (ex. disknet1)—press choose
diskhb Enter
Extended Topology Extended Configuration smitty hacmp Add Configure HACMP Communication
Interfaces/Devices Configuration Add Pre-Defined Communication Interfaces and Communication
Interfaces/Devices Devices
Choose your diskhb Network Name Communication Devices
Add a Communication Device
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields]
* Device Name [GT40_hboverdisk]
* Network Type diskhb
* Network Name disknet1
* Device Path [/dev/vpath0]
* Node Name [GT40]
For Device Name, that is a unique name you can chose. It will show up in your topology under this
name, much like serial heartbeat and ttys have in the past.
For the Device Path, you want to put in /dev/. Then choose the corresponding node for this device and
device name (ex. GT40). Then press Enter.
You will repeat this process for the other node (ex. SL55) and the other device (vpath3). This will
complete both devices for the diskhb network.
Testing Disk Heartbeat Connectivity
Once the device and network definitions have been created, it is a good idea to test it and make sure
communications is working properly. If the volume group is varied on in normal mode on one of the
nodes, the test will probably not work.
/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/dhb_read is used to test the validity of a diskhb connection. The usage of dhb_read is
as follows:
dhb_read -p devicename //dump diskhb sector contents
dhb_read -p devicename -r //receive data over diskhb network
dhb_read -p devicename -t //transmit data over diskhb network
To test that disknet1, in the example configuration, can communicate from nodeB(ex. SL55) to nodeA
(ex. GT40), you would run the following commands:
On nodeA, enter:
dhb_read -p rvpath0 -r
On nodeB, enter:
dhb_read -p rvpath3 -t
Note: That the device name is raw device as designated with the “r” proceeding the device name.
If the link from nodeB to nodeA is operational, both nodes will display:
Link operating normally.
You can run this again and swap which node transmits and which one receives. To make the network
active, it is necessary to sync up the cluster. Since the volume group has not been added to the resource
group, we will sync up once instead of twice.
Add Shared Disk as a Shared Resource
In most cases you would have your diskhb device on a shared data vg. It is necessary to add that vg into
your resource group and synchronize the cluster.
Extended Extended Configuration smitty hacmp Resource Configuration >
Change/Show Extended Resource Group Configuration and press Enter. Resources and Attributes for a
Resource Group
Choose the appropriate resource group, enter the new vg (enhconcvg) into the volume group list and
press Enter.
Return to the top of the Extended Configuration menu and synchronize the cluster.
Monitor Disk Heartbeat
Once the cluster is up and running, you can monitor the activity of the disk (actually all) heartbeats via
lssrc -ls topsvcs. An example of the output follows:
Subsystem Group PID Status
topsvcs topsvcs 32108 active
Network Name Indx Defd Mbrs St Adapter ID Group ID
disknet1 [ 3] 2 2 S
disknet1 [ 3] rvpath3 0x86cd1b02 0x86cd1b4f
HB Interval = 2 secs. Sensitivity = 4 missed beats
Missed HBs: Total: 0 Current group: 0
Packets sent : 229 ICMP 0 Errors: 0 No mbuf: 0
Packets received: 217 ICMP 0 Dropped: 0
NIM's PID: 28724
Be aware that there is a grace period for heartbeats to start processing. This is normally around 60
seconds. So if you run this command quickly after starting the cluster, you may not see anything at all
until heartbeat processing is started after the grace period time has elapsed.
AIX is short for Advanced Interactive eXecutive. AIX is the UNIX operating system from IBM for RS/6000, pSeries and the latest p5 & p5+ systems. Currently, it is called "System P". AIX/5L the 5L addition to AIX stands for version 5 and Linux affinity. AIX and RS/6000 was released on the 14th of February, 1990 in London. Currently, the latest release of AIX is version 6. AIX 7 beta will be released in Aug 2010, along with the new POWER7 hardware range.
Tanti Technology
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- sandeep tanti
- Bangalore, karnataka, India
- Multi-platform UNIX systems consultant and administrator in mutualized and virtualized environments I have 4.5+ years experience in AIX system Administration field. This site will be helpful for system administrator in their day to day activities.Your comments on posts are welcome.This blog is all about IBM AIX Unix flavour. This blog will be used by System admins who will be using AIX in their work life. It can also be used for those newbies who want to get certifications in AIX Administration. This blog will be updated frequently to help the system admins and other new learners. DISCLAIMER: Please note that blog owner takes no responsibility of any kind for any type of data loss or damage by trying any of the command/method mentioned in this blog. You may use the commands/method/scripts on your own responsibility. If you find something useful, a comment would be appreciated to let other viewers also know that the solution/method work(ed) for you.
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